Alternative Movement Studies: Somatics
Course Syllabus
Dance 230 (1 credit)
Winter 2009
Instructor: Louis Gervais
Meeting Times: TTH 8:30-9:20
Location: Meany Studio 267
Office: Meany 59J
Office Hours: Monday 3:30 - 4:30 or by appointment
lgervais@u.washington.eduCourse Description
Somatics are the study of the interrelational process between awareness, biological function and environment, all three factors being understood as a synergistic whole.
This course offers instruction in the theory and practice of somatic practices. This class will include a holistic approach of exploring the body through a variety of somatic practices including applied anatomy, authentic movement, and the Alexander technique.
At the successful completion of this course students will:
• Create a new relation with their physical selves by exploring a variety of somatic practices.
• Acquire a basic understanding of variety of techniques that may provide relaxation, centering and health.
• Improve awareness of body alignment, weight, mental and physical functioning.
Requirements and Grading
Studio Participation(65%)
Regular participation is absolutely crucial in this class. This is considered a lab class. Please try to limit your absences and save them for when you really need them. If you are more than ten minutes late, you may not take class (please don’t ask me) but are encouraged to observe. If I call your name and you are not in the room you are late. It is then your responsibility to check in with me at the end of class to make sure I have marked you present.
Participation grades reflect the following:
• Attending class on a consistent basis
• Arriving on time or early so that you have time to focus and prepare to participate fully in class
• Taking risks in improvisation and being fully invested in exercises.
• Demonstrate commitment, enthusiam, respect and support of fellow classmates.
Online Journal Responses (35%)
This blog has been set up for this course. Over the course of the semester, this blog will be the place where we as a class will share our thoughts and reactions to the course. Questions will be posted here and your responses will be submitted electronically. Post your responses to the blog in the comments link below each blog entry. You must post a response to each blog entry within a week. The URL is These postings should not be overly long, no more than a paragraph. Clicking on "follow this blog" leads you to creating a prompt that will deliver reminders in your email when new assignments have been posted.
Attire and Changing
Bare feet or cotton socks may be worn for class, no shoes. You will want to wear warm comfortable clothes like sweat pants or pajamas. No jeans/slacks or excessive jewelry. Long hair should not be a distraction to you as you move or lie on the floor. Bring elastic bands or clips that are easy to put in and remove. If you are not prepared to dance, you will not be allowed to take class. You may change your clothes in the dressing rooms on the Lower Level. Please do not change in the restrooms on the Upper Level. You may secure your belongings by bringing a lock each day for a locker in the hallway outside of the studios. Locks MUST be removed after each class. Locks may be purchased for $5 from the Dance Office. DO NOT bring personal belongings into the studio. Shoes, clothes, purses, cell phones, etc were stolen every week last quarter. Lock up your belongings!!
MISCELLANEOUSFor this class, you will also need to bring a journal and markers. You will also need a pillow or blanket that you can store in the studio for the duration of the course.Studio Etiquette
• Demonstrate an understanding of the class structure by arriving in the studio, on time, prepared for class
• Be respectful of your peers and instructor at all times.
• Receive and apply corrections in a respectful manner
• Work safely and effectively in class and allow others to do so
• Contribute to the classroom by applying focus, concentration and enthusiasm
• If you are unable to dance or have any injuries, please inform the instructor before class begins
• No oils, creams or lotions on exposed body or hair––they make the floor slippery and dangerous
• No food, gum or beverages are allowed in the studio with the exception of water bottles
• No personal belongings in the studio––NONE
To request academic accommodations due to disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, (206) 543-8924, indicating that you have a disability that requires academic accommodations. Please present the letter to your instructor so we can discuss the accommodations you require.